# Audiovisual Design for live Performance For several years, I created sound and video designs for theatre, film, and dance. While I now consider this chapter of my career complete, I’m very grateful for everything I learned during this time. --- > [!info] Role Symbol Glossary > - 🎥 **Video/Projection Design**: Responsible for creating video content and projection elements for the production. > > - 🎵 **Sound Design**: Created, edited, and integrated soundscapes, music, and audio effects. > > - 💻 **Programming**: Developed and programmed interactive media or custom software solutions for the production using TouchDesinger, Max/MSP or Qlab. ## Theatre Audiovisual Design - **2021**: 🎥 [**Crime and Punishment**](https://cloudsway.ca/crime/) by *Cloudways Dance*, Calgary, AB - **2021**: 🎥💻 [**PLE**](https://mtyp.ca/educators/ple) by *One Trunk Theatre*, Winnipeg, MN - **2016**: 🎥💻 [**Red Earth**](https://www.onetrunktheatre.com/shows/red-earth) by *One Trunk Theatre*, Winnipeg, MN - **2016**: 🎵🎥💻 **[Window](https://www.ghostrivertheatre.com/window)** by *Ghost River Theatre*, Calgary, AB - **2015**: 🎵🎥💻 **[The Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst](https://www.ghostrivertheatre.com/crowhurst)** by *Alberta Theatre Projects/Ghost River Theatre*, Calgary, AB - **2013**: 🎵 **The Kite Runner** by *Citadel Theatre*, Edmonton, AB - **2013**: 🎵 **The Kite Runner** by *Theatre Calgary*, Calgary, AB - **2012**: 🎵🎥 [**Everything is Terribly Nice Here**](https://www.ghostrivertheatre.com/everything-is-terribly-nice-here) by *Ghost River Theatre*, Calgary, AB - **2012**: 🎵 **[The Medea Effect](https://talisman-theatre.com/2012-medea-en.html)** by *Talisman Theatre*, Montreal, QC - **2012**: 🎵🎥 **Travels with My Aunt** by *The Montgomery Theatre*, North Rustico, PEI - **2012**: 🎵 **Mary’s Wedding** by *Alberta Theatre Projects*, Calgary, AB - **2011**: 🎵 **[Coma Unplugged](https://talisman-theatre.com/2011-coma-en.html)** by *Talisman Theatre*, Montreal, QC - **2011**: 🎵🎥 **An Inspector Calls** by *The Montgomery Theatre*, North Rustico, PEI - **2011**: 🎵🎥 **Tons of Money** by *The Montgomery Theatre*, North Rustico, PEI - **2011**: 🎵 [**ONE**](https://www.ghostrivertheatre.com/one1) by *Ghost River Theatre*, Calgary, AB - **2011**: 🎵🎥 [**Reverie**](https://www.ghostrivertheatre.com/reverie) by *Ghost River Theatre*, Calgary, AB - **2010**: 🎵 **Abraham Lincoln Goes to the Theatre** by *Alberta Theatre Projects*, Calgary, AB - **2010**: 🎵🎥 **Oedipus Evolving** by *PBC/Verb Theatre*, Calgary, AB - **2009**: 🎵 [**Something to Do with Death**](https://www.ghostrivertheatre.com/something-to-do-with-death) by *Ghost River Theatre*, Calgary, AB - **2009**: 🎵 **ONE** by *RedtoBlue Physical Theatre*, Edmonton, AB - **2008**: 🎵 **One Night** by *Tableau D’Hote Theatre*, Montreal, QC - **2008**: 🎵 **Jehanne of the Witches** by *Tableau D’Hote Theatre*, Montreal, QC - **2008**: 🎵 **Faire 1+1 Tu** by *RedtoBlue Physical Theatre*, Edmonton, AB --- ## Film/Dance Audiovisual Design - **2011**: 🎵 [**Smile Stealers**](http://www.allisonmoore.net/smile-stealers) by Allison Moore, Montreal, QC - **2011**: 🎵[**Awesomosis**](https://www.caitlinthompson.ca/projects/awesomosis) by Caitlin Thompson *National Film Board of Canada*, Montreal, QC - **2010**: 🎵🎥 **Brainbow Limb** Montreal, QC - **2009**: 💻 **[Le Chante de l’espace-corpse](http://marineantony.net/luropium/)** by *Marine Antony*, Poitiers, France - **2008**: 🎵 **About that Appetite** by *Julia Thomas Dance*, Montreal, QC - **2007**: 🎵 **Apex Ensemble** by *Apex Ensemble Dance*, Montreal, QC --- ## Awards - **2021**: Outstanding Digital Production (Nomination) – _Plé_, Winnipeg Theatre Awards - **2020**: Sound Design of the Decade (Nomination) – _The Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst_, BroadwayWorld Calgary Awards - **2019**: **Outstanding Design (Won)** – _Red Earth_, **With Laura Anzola and GMB Chomichuk** Winnipeg Theatre AwardsP - **2016**: Best Technical Design (Nomination) – _Window_, Calgary Theatre Critics’ Awards - **2015**: **Outstanding Projection Design - with Laura Anzola & Wlad Woyno (Won)** – _The Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst_, Betty Mitchell Award Society - **2015**: Outstanding Sound Design (Nomination) – _Tomorrow’s Child_, Betty Mitchell Award Society - **2015**: Outstanding New Play (Nomination) – _Tomorrow’s Child_, Betty Mitchell Award Society - **2015**: Best Technical Design (Nomination) – _The Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst_, **with Laura Anzola & Wlad Woyno Calgary Theatre Critics’ Awards - **2014**: **Best Technical Design - (Won)** – _Tomorrow’s Child_, Calgary Theatre Critics’ Awards - **2014**: Outstanding Sound Design (Nomination) – _The Huron Bride_, Betty Mitchell Award Society - **2014**: Best Creative Concept (Nomination) – _Tomorrow’s Child_, Calgary Theatre Critics’ Awards - **2013**: Outstanding Sound Design (Nomination) – _The Medea Effect_, Montreal English Theatre Award - **2013**: Outstanding Score of a Play or Musical (Nomination) – _The Kite Runner_, with Salar Nader (composer and performer) Elizabeth Sterling Haynes Award - **2012**: Outstanding Sound Design (Nomination) – _Mary’s Wedding_, Betty Mitchell Award Society - **2011**: **Outstanding Sound Design (Won)** – _ONE_, Betty Mitchell Award Society - **2010**: Outstanding Sound Design (Nomination) – _Something to do with Death_, Betty Mitchell Award Society